Restoring Multiple VMs to Azure: Part 2 PowerShell Hopefully you have read Part 1 of my Azure Multiple VM restores though Veeam GUI. This is a continuation of that post where i share how to achieve the same process but using only PowerShell . I built this script off a base script on this Blog post from a Colleague. Michael Cade is a Global Technologist for Veeam Software. Here is a Link to Michael's Blog & Here is the Original Post. Prerequisites are the same as Part 1 so please follow the same. To execute the Script, you need to Add VeeamPSSnapin & connect to the backup server holding the required backups. Add -Server “Name of your Veeam Backup Server” mine in this case was “veeam” Next we need to set the required Variables, like the Backups we want to use, the restore point , the Azure accoun t & subscription , the network , storage & VM size we will use during the restore. I’ve made Duplicate lines of Variables for each backup point t...
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