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Veeam V10 Data Re-use: Part 1- Data Classification

Veeam V10 Data Re-use (Data Classification)

So, with all this time in lockdown I’m testing use cases for the Veeam Data Re-use API.
From the Graphic above you can see the general use topics of the Feature, so I decided to test use cases for each. There are 4 posts to this series, this post will focus on Data classification.

Data Classification 

Before we begin let me give a brief description of data Classification, this process is determining the type of data and the risk this data poses to an individual or to an organization

You would use data classification to determine what type of data you have and then deal with certain types of data different to others based on the compliance or security risk it poses on you or the organization.

For and example in this post I’ll focus on Credit Card data that could be stored within Text files, Word documents, excel document or Rich Text format files.

Why would such data exist? 

I downloaded a Template document used to take on new customers with their verified card information “Credit Card Authorization Form “this form could be used when doing telephonic sales or similar.

Veeam Use case 

You could & should be using some sort of tool to classify data in your infrastructure as its created and stored.

In this Post I’m going to focus on how to classify Personally Identifiable Information within you stored backups with Veeam.

How is this done?

Here is a great post explaining the new feature (I’m not going to into too much detail but will use the commands) 

Veeam will Mount the backup data using PowerShell to call API and mount disk from backup, we will then use 3rd Party tool too Re-Use the data presented from backup in this case I will use a PowerShell script to find Personally Identifiable Information kept in backup.

Personally, Identifiable Information

First, I needed to create some test PII data that I will be able to classify in the PII script.
On a VM in my lab that I currently backup I used a template .docx file to capture fake card data and save them as files on the VM for later classification. I Saved them in formats .RTF and .TXT.

I downloaded a free template from here found with a simple google search:

It looked simple and easy to capture card data:

I needed to then use test card data (card numbers etc.)
I found some Sample information here in a simple google search:

I used a few of these sample card numbers to make the test as realistic as possible.
I saved this to a folder on ROOT of C: under a folder called “Finance “

Publish Backup 

Next after adding the files to the Source VM, I ran a Backup to capture the Data and store it as a Veeam Backup.

The next step is to use PowerShell to publish Volumes From backup to a Mount server.
You can reference the PowerShell command that will be used here:

The backup that I wanted to mount is the following:

I will use the data in the above screenshot to address the correct Backup in the script 

Here is the PowerShell command used, again more details on the process can be read here:

My Script:

#Load the Veeam PowerShell Snapin
Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin

#Connect to the Backup server

Connect-VBRServer -Server "veeam" -User "Administrator" -Password "****"

#Specify the backup Point to be used in Publish

$point = Get-VBRBackup -Name "Vm test Data" | Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name "windev2001eval" | Sort-Object $_.creationtime -Descending | Select -First 1

#Specify the Credentials for the Filesystem Os being mounted

$creds = Add-VBRCredentials -User "windev2001eval\Administrator" -Password "****"

#Publish ( Mount the Backup ) Target server is the backup server

Publish-VBRBackupContent -RestorePoint $point -TargetServerName "veeam" -TargetServerCredentials $creds

At this point backup Can be seen mounted In Console 

It can also be Viewed in Windows Disk Management

Lastly It can also be found under FLR mount directory in my case “C:\VeeamFLR”     
Data Classification

Now that the Backup data is mounted it can be addressed via Data Classification tool of choice.

For my data classification test, I used a PowerShell Script I found on Technet here:
EDIT 2021/03/08 : Script no longer available on Tech-net gallery , copied into Github 
So, from PowerShell I imported the PII script module, so that I can then run my custom command to find Personally Identifiable Information based on FLR directory and file type.

So, First:

I Created a folder and downloaded the Get-PII2.PS1 script into the folder, I then also created a Log folder in the same directory as the script looks for this.

In PowerShell after moving to the Directory where the PowerShell Script can be found I Ran the following:
#Import the Script Module
Import-Module .\Get-PII2.ps1

#Run Command specifying which types of files to interrogate for PII information, I also provided the exact directory \Finance rather than entire Image to shorten the search. I also additionally added Export Function to CSV to address results later.

Get-PII “txt”,”csv”,”docx” ,"rtf" “C:\VeeamFLR\WinDev2001Eval_d7fd2e1c\Volume1\Finance" | Export-Csv .\piilist1.csv -NoTypeInformation 

The Script then Runs finding files containing Personally Identifiable Information.

The Get-PII2 Script exports a HTML format report at the end of the script with test results and legend on class of Personally Identifiable Information found.

If we Look at the Folder directory, we can also find the .CSV file export with the same results that we can now use in a Graph of Visual of choice.

Example here:  I used Microsoft Power BI

At this point you can determine what sensitive information is kept within backup and then can adjust your backup policies; these could be:

Increasing Retention to be compliant :

I edit my backup Job to include this new retention based on new data information that’s come to light.

Encrypt & password protect this backup as it contains Sensitive Data:
I added that on editing my current Job for this VM , in jobs setting:
Storage > Advanced > Storage > Encryption 

End of Testing Un-Publish 

At this point I’m done testing I want to Un publish the data, this can be done though Veeam Backup console, but I will use PowerShell:

$session = Get-VBRPublishedBackupContentSession

Unpublish-VBRBackupContent -Session $session -RunAsync

You can combine All three code segments:
  •    Publish
  •    Data classification
  •   Un-Publish
This can be used more extensively, and you can address the published data with more intelligent tools, I will be posting more on the other Use cases as separate posts.

See Part 2

Thank you for reading , please like , share or comment


  1. I was wondering if you have more information about this:

    For my data classification test, I used a PowerShell Script I found on Technet here:

    That script is no longer in thje gallery... well, the gallery is gone now.


  2. Hey Gene , i've Edited the post , Thank you for the Heads up , uploaded a copy to Github


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